She Should Have Come for Me – short fiction for adults 0

This novella is a dark thriller for adults told from a unique perspective.  Available for download on Kindle.

Kindle: She Should Have Come for Me

Where is She Now? – Short fiction for adults

Where is She Now? – Short fiction for adults 0

Rosemary wants only to feel the calm promised in the hymns of her childhood, she wants to ‘lay down her burden and enter in.’ Cradling her green pocket book wrapped in an old green shawl, she wanders through her daily life with her husband Brian, her traumatized self, and her alter ego, the bossy and competent Anna. Something has happened in the past, centering on her baby, but Rosemary can’t quite remember what it was. And where is the baby now?

As she oscillates between rational and delusional spells she seeks validation and support from the inanimate objects around her, the cups on the shelf, the knobs on the bedposts, the books in the bookcase, and the houses lining the streets. In her conversations with them we see a Rosemary who is not quite as deranged as she seems, and a Brian, not quite as supportive as he would like to have you believe.

The book is set in a fictional amalgam of two small English towns.

Read the review by Nina Sankovitch

Available from

FG coming to Monte Cristo Bookshop, New London May 11 0

Frances Gilbert will be reading “Today the Teacher Changed our Seats” and  “The Cookie Thief” and showing the original art work  from those two works.  Come, bring the kids, bring a friend and support  independent book stores.

Find out more about Monte Cristo Book Shop here:

Appearance at Torrington Library Summer Author Expo 0

Frances Gilbert was selected to showcase her work at the Torrington Library’s Summer Author Expo on July 25th , 2012 from 5:00-9:00 p.m.

To find out more and for directions to the Torrington Library, click here .